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Exploratory Spanish (Grades 6-8)
Adult Classes
Adult Classes
Adult Classes
Adult Classes
Beginning Spanish Classes
These classes are offered to adults that would like to learn Spanish. These are leveled classes so that students are continuously gaining fluency by building on prior knowledge to learn new and more advanced grammar and vocabulary concepts. The goal is to master basic Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and culture in order to communicate at a basic level and move on to the next level of the class. These classes will teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture. Each Session is 12-60 minute classes. Workbook included.
Beginning Spanish 1 (In-person only)
Wednesdays 5:15-6:15 pm
Topics include: Greetings/Introductions/Goodbyes, using verbs, using adjectives, city locations/transportation, numbers, telling time, questions words, and restaurant/food vocabulary. $220
Beginning Spanish 1 (Online only)
Wednesdays 7:15-8:15 pm CST
This class will be identical to the in-person only class in terms of content. However, it will be taught via an online-communication platform. Students will be mailed a copy of the workbook. Additional files will be sent electronically. Students will login to class each Wednesday evening for live instruction. $265
*Beginning Spanish 1 B
tuesdays 5:00-6:00 pm
*Must have completed Beginning Spanish 1 or have consent of the instructor. Please contact The Language Spot with any questions.
Topics include: -er/-ir verbs, tener, the calendar, weather, possessive adjectives, clothing, colors, estar with adjectives, physical characteristics, direct object pronouns. $220
*Spanish 2
Tuesdays 6:15-7:15 pm
*Must have completed Beginning Spanish 1B or have consent of the instructor. Please contact The Language Spot with any questions.
Grammar topics include: frequency words, stem-changing verbs, comparisons, present progressive, ser vs. estar, commands, indirect object pronouns, irregular verbs. $220
*Spanish 2B
Wednesdays 6:15-7:15 pm
*Must have completed Spanish 2 or have consent of the instructor. Please contact The Language Spot with any questions.
Grammar topics include: preterite, reflexive verbs, negatives, and the imperfect. Vocabulary pertaining to food, clothing, daily routine, and physical characteristics will be broadened. $220
*Spanish 3
Thursdays 5:00-6:00 Pm
*Must have completed Spanish 2B or have consent of the instructor. Please contact The Language Spot with any questions.
This class reviews the preterite and imperfect of the past and focuses on using both tenses in combination. Students gain breadth in vocabulary and work on reading comprehension skills by reading the book "¿Quién fue Frida Kahlo?" Class discussion provides opportunities for gaining fluency. Additional grammar topics include: demonstrative adjectives, ordinal numbers, past progressive, and combining direct and indirect objects. $220
*Intermediate conversation class
Thursdays 6:15-7:15 Pm
*Must have completed Spanish 3 or have consent of the instructor. Please contact The Language Spot with any questions.
This class will focus on speaking and listening through class discussion of a level-appropriate novel to be read as homework outside of class. Class discussion will also focus heavily on talking about the past through personal anecdotes and narratives using the preterite and imperfect. $220
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